First day of work today. It was sort of an orientation day, just to get used to what I'll be doing, so It was supposed to just be from 10am-11:30am. So since I assumed I wouldn't take many pictures while working...I decided to document my journey there for you many, many readers out there. By the way... I got all the way there without taking the directions out of my pocket! (PS- That's freaking impressive.)

Now I'm at work. The first part of the day I spent taking these giant sheets of brainstorming sheets they had scribbled from a previous meeting, and trying to make them into typed documents. The people I work with are really nice and funny, but they have a TON of big events coming up next week, so we have our work cut out for us. I've met sooo many clients and associates etc already. They already gave me a key, taught me how to work their security system, and gave me a company email. I'm overwhelmed...or as my boss Sihoban says "Rachel's undergoing a baptism of fire."

So I was supposed to get off at 11:30 (half-eleven the Irish say) but with Irish timekeeping that turned into quarter to twelve. Then I left and grabbed the Luas in a hurry to meet the girls back in City Centre. (None of them had to work till Monday.)

Finally got back and met the girls at Eddy Rockets. As you can probably tell, we try to find the most American places to eat. I know we are in Ireland and should try the foreign food... but really... no.

After lunch, we were STILL in search of the bus passes we need for the next six weeks. So we needed to first go and get the "Student Travel Cards" which in theory allow discounts on things like the bus, the luas, the train, some restaurants, movies, clubs, etc. So we went off to Trinity College to get them. Trinity College is like this really old really famous REALLY beautiful college in Dublin.

So we got our student travel cards and toured Trinity a little bit. The famous library was closed early that day, so we'll have to go back another day. So I told the group that I really wanted to go see the graduate art show at the National College of Art and Design, and I knew not everyone would want to make that trek, but turns out they were interested! So we went on another adventure to find the grad art show!

Leaving NCAD, we ran into this woman. She started talking to Mandy because she said she looked Irish. Mandy said, no she was Danish. This sparked a huge, like 15 minute long conversation about the Vikings that we couldn't get away from.

Alright, to wrap up the busy day, we had our "gift" dinner from EUSA. Taking place at the Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Ireland, we had a magical night :). We were served three courses of traditional Irish food and between each course, a professional storyteller came in to tell us tales about the Irish's past...and current...belief in fairies, about folklore and storytelling in Irish history, and about potatoes and the famines. We were nervous about the food, and planning on eating again, but it actually wasn't bad.

Rachel, this is all so interesting and fun to read. I love your descriptions and pictures. Sounds like you are having a great time. It's such a beautiful, historical place and so clean. I can't wait to hear more. I'm glad you are getting acclimated so quickly and having fun.
Glad you had such a nice day. I hope tomorrow's another great adventure
thanks guys.
ps- good job debbie, on figuring out how to comment here :)
Rach, I'm amazed that you are keeping up with your postings so well!!! -It's like we live with you everyday!!! Keep it up!! Glad you are having such a great time!! Enjoy! -Les
Love the college pics! Beautiful!!
That cake looks yummo!
Btw-it's Liz
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