"It's my goal today to throw up on a random stranger." -Kim PhamToday was saved for Galway. Galway is another big city, second biggest to Dublin, and rapidly growing in popularity for young families. The night life is great, as you saw in yesterday's post, but as for sightseeing, etc, there isn't really much to do. Our plan was to visit the few sites and spend the day picnicking near the river and just casual shopping.

(First site, the bank! Ha, it's an old castle actually, now a bank.)



(Some of us were having a rough morning....)

(All McDonald's here are fancy.)

(Street statues.)

(The St. Nicholas Cathedral.)

(Quick shot of the inside before they kicked us out for service.)

(Well isn't that just adorable.)

(The "famous" Spanish Arch. Where the spanish brought their ships and marched through when they were big traders of imports/exports.)

(The beautiful river.)

(River and Spanish Arch.)

(That's Jenny.)


(Someone... coughcough Jenny... sat in bird/goose poop.)

(It smelled awful, but it's pretty.)

(Relying on stranger's photo skills, once again.)

(The green is soooo green.)

(Click to make bigger. It's gay I know. But I like it.)

(Some people too tired to venture off the steps.)


(Small Claddagh ring museum.)

(On the ride back to Dublin, we ended up leaving sooner because, once again, the rain began to downpour. Damn you Irish weather.)
Beautiful pictures! You are having so much fun!! Sure you want to come home? It is so gorgeous there - I loved the cliff pictures and laying down to look over the edge - really cool. Also love the Irish sweaters!
looks like another good day!!
Oh, you didn't say if Kim reached her "goal" today!
Kim reached her goal. ABout 5 times. She just threw up on everyone all day long
poor kim..
was the shot of my butt really necessary Rachel??? I mean really...
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