We spent the morning getting some work done around the office and getting ready for the launch. We had the launch event of the "Connect Mentoring Programme" today which is a collaborative program between Common Ground and another company. We left around 1 to set up and the event began at 2. I worked on handing stuff out and registering people with the EUSA intern from the other company. Funny we had never met and we live in the same complex. The event showed a two videos and had panel discussions and Q&A. After the event ended, my head was pounding so I went home. It took sooo long to get home today and all these Spanish kids just moved into Shanowen and they are SOOO loud on the bus. It's like all spanish all the time on the bus and very very loud. So when I got home I crashed for like an hour before dinner. Felt much better.
(Megan laughing after I woke her up on the bus. She had a rough night.)
(Entering the Irish Museum of Modern Art.)
(During the launch.)
(Nasty weather, today.)
Dinner tonight was provided by Megan. Hawiian pizza is my favorite and this pizza was surprisingly good considering it's Irish. After dinner we continued with movie nights by watching New Moon. :)
(Pizza night.)
(Megan's neck was... err... cold..)

Dinner tonight was provided by Megan. Hawiian pizza is my favorite and this pizza was surprisingly good considering it's Irish. After dinner we continued with movie nights by watching New Moon. :)

It's still strange to hear you say that you're watching a movie at night and we see daylight in the background. I hope your weekend in England is a lot of fun. MOM
Is this a chain store pizza? Like Dominoes? And did it taste like ours? Why do I always seem ask about food?
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