Same sort of thing at work today. Worked on the database most of the time. Some other little chores. The staff was at an important meeting for about two hours so while I worked on the database alone, I put on K95. Those are always my favorite times. You'd be amazed how much more work I get done when I'm swaying as I type and singing as I email people hahah. After they got back from the meeting, Siobhan and I went down the street. They were having some sort of "Get to know your neighbor" event where they displayed the photographs of a local photography contest. It was a cool venue and nice place where it really did look like people were casually getting to know their neighbors.
(THIS is how some Irish websites show email addresses. Annoying.)
(One of the photography winners was our coworker's son.)
(Getting to know our neighbors.)
(Kids drawing pictures of their neighbors.)
(Yay streamers!)
Siobhan let me off work a little early today. It was wonderful not having to deal with the Spaniards. Don't get me wrong, I took Spanish for six years and love the language, but hearing it at 110% volume every day gets old.
Dinner tonight was made by Kim and a sick Julie. It was amazing, they made SO much food. Kim said it was to put us into a food coma because we need to sleep early, early tonight. We meet the cab outside tomorrow morning at 4:30 am to go to the airport for London! :) Excitement. That's why I tried so hard to get the blog up to date before then haha.
(Ok, I'm a creeper.)
(Amazing dinner. PS There is double this amount of food not pictured.)

Siobhan let me off work a little early today. It was wonderful not having to deal with the Spaniards. Don't get me wrong, I took Spanish for six years and love the language, but hearing it at 110% volume every day gets old.
Dinner tonight was made by Kim and a sick Julie. It was amazing, they made SO much food. Kim said it was to put us into a food coma because we need to sleep early, early tonight. We meet the cab outside tomorrow morning at 4:30 am to go to the airport for London! :) Excitement. That's why I tried so hard to get the blog up to date before then haha.

Again, I must comment on dinner.......yummy looking. I see Kim has a Temple shirt. I used to sneak onto their racquetball courts.
hahhaha yeah shes from Philly.
I love that you can get K95 via the internet! Like being home. I don't know if y'all are there as photography interns or The Food Network interns! Looks delicious!
Can't wait the the next installment on London!
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