- Tour bus driver, Ross.
We started early this morning. Our bus left at 7:45. But we thought it was 7. So we were early. Which gave us time to grab a muffin. Today's plan was Cork. Siobhan thinks I am seriously crazy for cramming stuff into short amounts of time like I do. When I told her we were doing Cork in one day, she laughed and said "Crazy Americans" as she always does. We are always absolutely 100% knackered all the time, day in and day out, but we are quickly running out of time here. We have to cram as much in as possible! The bad part about doing Cork in one day, is that it is SO far away, that the bus tour is a good deal, but it doesn't leave us much time to see the sites, and we have fewer stops we can make. It takes about four hours to get there, so we did what we could.
Our first stop was in Cobh (pronounced Cove) which is about 40 minutes outside of Cork. Some fun facts we learned on the bus about Cobh:
- The round stone towers are called Martellos.
- They were built to help defend against England. During Ireland's war against England, France came in to help. The French could care less about helping the Irish, but they hated the British. Hence their involvement.
- The Titanic was made in Belfast (Northern Ireland) but it's last Port Of Call was in Cobh.
- The famous sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boats took place right off of Cobh's coast. All the survivors were brought into Cobh. There's actually a museum about the Titanic and the Lusitania sinking in the old train station, where we had lunch.
Our first stop was in Cobh (pronounced Cove) which is about 40 minutes outside of Cork. Some fun facts we learned on the bus about Cobh:
- The round stone towers are called Martellos.
- They were built to help defend against England. During Ireland's war against England, France came in to help. The French could care less about helping the Irish, but they hated the British. Hence their involvement.
- The Titanic was made in Belfast (Northern Ireland) but it's last Port Of Call was in Cobh.
- The famous sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boats took place right off of Cobh's coast. All the survivors were brought into Cobh. There's actually a museum about the Titanic and the Lusitania sinking in the old train station, where we had lunch.

Our next stop was the one you waited for. The one you anticipated. The whole reason we went to Cork in the first place... to go to Blarney. In case you were wondering- Cork considers themselves the rebels. They call themselves "the people's republic of Cork" instead of County Cork like everyone else. They also have signs when you enter reading "Welcome to Cork; a nuclear free zone." Well I feel safer already. As soon as we entered what is considered Cork, we headed straight for Blarney.
If you don't know the legend about the Blarney Stone, shame on you. Google it. But a brief explanation anyway: There's this famous stone, basically, and it is said in Irish myth, that if you kiss the Blarney Stone you will be granted the "gift of gab." This basically means you will talk alot for seven years. Kinda a weird gift, I know, and one I don't particularly want, but it's something you just need to do in Ireland. So we did it of course. The Blarney Stone is located at the top of Blarney Castle. In order to kiss it you have to lay on your back, hang upside down over a gaping hole, and grab these bars to lower yourself down far enough. Adventurous to kiss a rock eh?

I bet you could have spent days here Rachel, all those trees and rocks to climb. Granny will love to see these pictures. I hope you pick up a rock or two to bring back for her to paint. I'm leaving on my trip this afternoon so have a great last 2 weeks. I'll see you on August 1st. Miss you and love you. I bet you're gonna miss Ireland!!!!!! See you soon. MOM
What a great day. It's what I was hoping you would see!! I hope your wish comes true!
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