Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 2

"What would you do if I put my hand in your hole."
-Random man on the street to Kim
"I would slap you across the face."
- Kim.

Went to work this morning and basically couldn't breathe. The sickness really hit me today. All day, sore throat and total congestion. As soon as Irma got there, she graciously told me to please go home. So I did. I was so grateful. I was dying. I got home around 11. From like 11-8pm this is what my day consisted of :

I really needed it though. I needed to rest, and sleep on and off, and take lots and lots of pills.

Around 8, people started getting restless and ready to go out. I decided to go out with them, just brought lots of tissues and knew if I drank anything it would be water. I'd taken too many pills today to chance anything else, and I was still feeling pretty under the weather. But I'm certainly glad I went. It was fun dancing a little bit and watching all the happenings in different clubs in the Temple Bar area at night.

(Pre-gaming. Aka taking shots out of hard-boiled egg holders hahah.)


(This is how Kim gets ready to go out.)

(Entering night-time Temple Bar. When we go out at night, it's usually to the pubs in Santry, we rarely go into City Centre to go out, because it's just a long trek and the buses end at 11:30. But we went out tonight and the taxi cab driver said it was a really slow night in Temple Bar. I can't imagine what it used to be like if this was slow...)

(American Independence Day celebrations in Dublin always make me laugh.)

(Straighters in the bathrooms.)



(Jenny, did you flip over your corona when you put the lime in?)

(Yeahhhh that flipping technique went well huh?)


(Megan doesn't look sick anymore. She just passed it all on to me.)


(Get it!)

(Guys tended to wave when I got my camera out.)

(This should definitely be Kim's new default!)

(Bachelor party. They all wore fros to be like the groom, with the real fro.)


(Singing something probably.)

(Yeahhhhh girl.)

(He's back?)

(Ummm no clue.)

(Think these guys are gay? They said no but I don't think straight guys dance like this...)




( Hahha.)

(The next club. Sin? Maybe?)

(We have no idea who this guy is... he just grabbed people and yelled "photo!")

(Her turn for a random photo.)

(Young love! [Caption donated by Megan])

(He really looks like he's yelling in her ear haha.)

Sooo that was our night. It was fun.


Kathryn said...

This is definetely my favorite day yet! Other than the whole being sick part the fun never seemed to end. I loved the photos of Kim dancing and the two (non-gay) male dancers. What was with the first guy in the wig? freak.
I wish you would have taken some pictures of YOU having fun!

Kathryn said...

And what person said that quote to Kim? weird...

Rachel said...

yeahhhh that was a random creeper on the street talking to kim. she can stand up for herself well though :) and i think other people took pics of me haha