Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7

There are some real nutters in Ireland.
- Irma.

Another normal day, fitting into the usual routine. Woke up on time today, and hopped the bus with Megan. Went to work and diligently worked on the database all day long. Basically, they have like five versions of this contact list for everyone they've worked with, but some are on excel, some are in Rolodexes with scratched out names and arrows, some are entered three times with names like "John Smith", "Joe Smith", and "John Smithfield" but they are actually all the same exact person who's name is really "Joe Smithson." So it's confusing, but I'm almost done. I have tomorrow to keep working on it, then that's my deadline. By close tomorrow I need to have it emailed out to be checked over.

Tomorrow is my last day at Common Ground for a while. Siobhan gave me Friday off, for the Galway trip, and next week I spend the entire week assisting the Pinhole Workshop at the Gallery of Photography.

(The best lunch ever. Leftover burger halves from the other night, and mini tomato slices. I stole some salt and pepper packets from the Spar this morning to sprinkle on my tomatoes. I was seriously like grinning eating lunch. Much better than my usual lunchmeat and apple.)

(My favorite part of my day, day or night, is lunchbreak, when I get to relax a little bit, read my book, and listen to K95. I miss my radio so much... Today in the book, this seemed too much like fate not to photograph.)

(2:07 at work.)

After work, headed home like usual. Came dangerously close to getting sick on the bus today. I mean really, extremely close to chundering right there on the bus. I almost called Jenny to meet me at the bus stop and walk home with me. But I held it together and was feeling better once I got to walk in the cool breeze. For dinner tonight, Mandy did the cooking. Macaroni Pizzzzaaaaa. Mmmm. After dinner, I still wasn't feeling top notch. Took a long shower and read my book for far to long, and happily fell asleep dreaming about country music and novels.

(Macaroni pizza.)

(The girls.)


Bob said...

I hope you feel better. Macaroni pizza?? I dunno if it's my thing.

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better, rach!! I agree with Bobby! -Macaroni Pizza???

Debbie said...

Macaroni - YUM!; Bread - YUM! Cheese - DOUBLE YUM! Folks, what's not to love????
Have a fun, fabulous weekend!

Kathryn said...

sorry about the "almost chundering" incident. i just love that word though. aren't you happy you played that game with me, or you never would have known what it meant(:
BTW-the quote board is back in business! [It says: Dad, I'm telling you, 'wenis' IS a word!]
He didn't believe me when i said that the flabby part of your elbow is called a wenis. so we googled and and BAM! i'm right(: liek always